Neuro Physiotherapy Treatment is administered over the people who have impaired movement and function disorders. In medical terms, all the diseases and disorders originating from problems within the nervous and neuromuscular system of the body are termed as Neurological disorders. Physiotherapy treatment for neurological disorders is prescribed by expert physicians for better recovery. The patients might experience altered, hindered or even absence of all or certain types of movement. The symptoms start manifesting as muscle weakness, impaired body balance, poor muscle coordination, and loss of proper muscle functioning etc. Some other symptoms of underlying neurological disorders include uncontrolled muscle spasm & tremors, decreased sensation and loss of function. Ayur Bethaniya is one of the most reputed Ayurvedic hospitals in Kerala, which provide neuro physiotherapy treatment in Thrissur to domestic and international patients.
Some of the functional neurological disorders include the following:
Before explaining our neuro physiotherapy treatment in Thrissur, it is important to clear that this physiotherapy is different from the post-operative neurological and spinal physiotherapy. It is administered before any surgical operation in the cases where physiotherapy is administered as a curative therapy. Physiotherapy for neurological disorders caused by impairments affecting the nervous system, brain, and spinal cord is provided at Ayur Bethaniya.
Ayur Bethaniya Ayurveda Hospital is a fully-functional healthcare institution under the SML Group was established in 1980. Spreading over a vast green space, the institution offers a peaceful and calm environment for the patients and tourists. The neuro physiotherapists at Ayur Bethaniya are experts, who have a rich experience spanning over decades. From medicines and herbal concoctions to diet, and from lifestyle modification to restructuring the daily routines – at Ayur Bethaniya patients can find right care and medical attention right from the start.
Grave neurological conditions that are serious in nature, such as a stroke, spinal injury or any traumatic brain injury require immediate medical attention and expert treatment. The treatment procedures vary from case to case and doctor to doctor. The physician at the hospital begins by doing a detailed study of the symptoms and condition of the patient. A Neuro Physiotherapist also does a detailed study of the patient’s body to find his or her Prakriti (Vata, Pitta or Kapha) or disposition.
Once the results are out, the neuro physiotherapists will begin a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s strength, coordination and body balance. This enables the doctors to design a neuro physiotherapy program individualized for the patient and his unique needs. At Ayur Bethaniya, before the physiotherapy for neurological disorders, each patient is given individual attention and care to ensure speedy recovery.
Depending on the extent of disease and impairment of bodily functions, the neuro physiotherapy treatment may comprise the following:
⦁ Passive Limb Exercises:
For the patients with limited mobility in arms and legs on their own
⦁ Positioning / Splinting:
This includes splint prescription or correct limb positioning, for prevention of joint tightening
⦁ Bed Exercises:
The bed exercises are prescribed for general stretching and strengthening of your muscles
⦁ Breathing and Circulation Exercises:
These exercises are an important part of the neuro physiotherapy treatment as they prevent vascular and respiratory issues, such as chest infection and DVTs
⦁ Mobilisation:
Patients with limited mobility are offered proper and seasoned assistance to do the daily activities such as move safely in and out of the bed, sit up, walk and stand
⦁ Mobility Aids:
Once the physician has done a detailed study of the patient’s body they prescribe proper mobility aids, such as walking frames and aids. The physiotherapy staff also offers expert advice and instructions for using these aids.
⦁ Diet and Lifestyle Management:
The neuro physiotherapists also prepare individual diet charts for every patient. They also give a chart for the lifestyle changes that a person is required to do to cure the condition.
⦁ Tailored Exercises:
Offering the best neuro physiotherapy treatment in Thrissur, Ayur Bethaniya makes sure that our team provides tailored exercise routines to each and every patient uniquely to build strength, coordination and balance.
All the treatment procedures begin with a detailed study of the human body, its disposition, reaction to medicinal herbs and herbal concoctions, and a detailed study of the patient's routines. So, every patient is given medicines that are the most suitable for him or her. Further, the diet chart, lifestyle modifications and exercise routines are tailored to the needs of every patient.
As a medical institution, Ayur Bethaniya has hundreds of happy testimonials and thousands of successful patient stories. Here, you can have access to the best neuro physiotherapy treatment in Thrissur.
Facilities and Services offered at Ayur Bethaniya:
The facilities at Ayur Bethaniya include the following:
At Ayur Bethaniya Ayurveda Hospital, the patients can find expert Ayurvedic Physicians and Specialist Allopathic doctors on demand. Offering a perfect mix of all types of medical treatments, Ayur Bethaniya is a premier healthcare institution for neuro physiotherapy treatment in Thrissur. Those who are seeking physiotherapy for neurological disorders can find the best the physiotherapists and treatment methodologies to cure the ailments.
What makes the treatment procedures at Ayur Bethaniya the best is our non-conventional approach towards the disease and administration of medicines. We offer treatment for diseases such as Stroke, Parkinson ’s disease, Motor and Neuron Disease, Cerebral Palsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Muscular Dystrophy, Vertigo and Guillain Barre Syndrome.
The patients can choose a package and stay the duration of their choice. They can come after regular intervals for follow-ups and check-ups. The other standard traditional Kerala Ayurvedic treatments are also available here.
Contact Ayur Bethaniya to get holistic neuro physiotherapy treatment in Thrissur.