
Overview & History

Ayurveda, is a live science, an alternative medicine which deals not only with the life of human beings but also with the animals, plants & entire living beings in the world. It is a unique science in which prevention & healing of disease is clearly mentioned around 10000 years ago. That is why; this science is getting known in the world. Ayurveda is a science which has evolved from transcendental knowledge from God & practical experience of sages of India. Ayurveda, the wisdom of longevity, focus on the living individual. Diseases management through Ayurveda aims at balancing the life force within the person. Rather than a medical system, it’s a way of life which employs a lifestyle regimen in tune with nature for enhancing immunity and self-healing. Ayurveda shows us how to improve ourselves and our internal resources to facilitate the natural healing process. 


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