
Gout Remedies that You Can Try at Home Itself

Gout Home Remedies

There are many vital nutrients and elements the body requires to function in its best possible capacity on a day to day basis. But excess of anything good is no good news at all. One such condition is Gout, caused by the excess production of uric acid in the body. 

Gout is a form of arthritis which presents itself in the form of inflammation in the ankles, knees and toes. Gout cannot be cured; it can only be managed with the help of your doctor and with some home remedies you can try for yourself. Here are a few at-home gout remedies that you can try for yourself.


10 Gout Remedies that You Can Try at Home Itself

  1. Stay Hydrated

Gout Remedy Stay Hydrated

Gout causes severe swelling and inflammation of the joints and one of the best ways to combat that is to ensure you stay hydrated throughout the day. Drinking plenty of water or even herbal tea and soups/broths can help the kidneys increase their functioning thereby releasing excess fluid that helps keep swelling in check. 

2. Cherries

Gout Remedy Cherries

Cherries are superfoods for gout patients. With their high levels of anthocyanins, cherries have a lot of anti-inflammatory properties, which is why consumption of cherries have shown to reduce the risk of gout by about 35%. Cherries can be consumed in the form of supplements, juice or as a whole. 

3. Ginger


The anti-inflammatory properties of ginger are well known throughout the ages. Ginger helps reduce inflammation, uric acid levels as well as pain related to increased uric acid in the blood. Ginger can be taken topically by applying as a paste on the inflamed joints or internally by consuming ginger tea or water. You need to be careful not to go overboard with the ginger consumption and to inform your doctor in advance before taking the step.

4. Lemon Juice or Lemon Water


Studies have proven that drinking lemon water or lemon juice minus the sugar daily reduces the risk of inflammation in gout patients. Lemon helps neutralize the level of uric acid in the body, which can be of huge relief to gout patients. 

5. Limit Alcohol Intake


As with any other medical condition, the consumption of alcohol has detrimental effects on your gout’s condition and recovery. Alcohol can dehydrate your body, which would in turn worsen inflammation and pain. Therefore, it is recommended that you limit the intake of alcohol to have a faster recovery and easier management of gout,

6. Eliminate Diet Triggers


While it is important to consume foods and drink fluids that help alleviate inflammation symptoms and pain, it is also equally important that you eliminate certain foods that may trigger the symptoms of gout. It is best to avoid purine meat such as anchovies, organ meats, bacon, turkey, sardine, veal, etc. as well as cut down the consumption of red meat, high sugar and high caffeine foods. 

7. Apply Hot or Cold Compresses


Inflammation on the joints can be alleviated to a small degree by applying hot or cold compresses on them. You can apply the same 3-4 times a day, depending on the degree of pain. Ensure you do not leave it for more than 15 minutes at a time.

8. OTC Pain Relief Medication


You can also make use of over the counter pain relief and anti-inflammatory medication to get relief from the pain and discomfort caused by gout. While consuming OTC pain medicine, make sure you consult your doctor. In case the medication does not prove to be effective, you can get stronger doses prescribed by your doctor. 

9. Elevate Painful Joints


Gout as you know can cause swelling in the joints, ankles and toes. The discomfort and pain resulting from swelling can be removed to a large extent by keeping the affected areas in an elevated position. 

10. Epsom Salt Soak


Epsom salt is rich in magnesium which helps remove toxins from your body, soothe inflammation in the joints, regulate blood pressure and improve overall heart health as well. A gout patient may find relief from a warm epsom salt bath or soak. Soak the affected parts of your body in a mix of ½ cup of Epsom salt and a bucket of warm water. Wash with regular water afterwards.

Even though gout does not have a cure, being able to effectively manage gout can prove to be a huge blessing for those affected by it. The pain, discomfort and inflammation that is presented with gout can be kept at bay with the help of medical assistance and home remedies as mentioned above. Nevertheless, it is best to seek the guidance of experienced medical practitioners from Ayur Bethaniya. If you suffer from gout related issues, fix an appointment with Ayur Bethaniya here for a consultation. 


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